5 New Paint Colours For Kitchen Cabinets 2021

Tired of your drab kitchen? Want to make a change but don’t want to renovate? Check out the link at the bottom of this page to see the top 5 new colours for 2021 for kitchen cabinets.

Paint Is A Great Solution

Have you considered painting your cupboard doors? If you like the style of the door fronts and don’t want to do a whole renovation, you might want to consider painting. I have painted my cabinets in 3 different colours in 27 years and I’ve loved them each time.

Paint is an easy way to completely transform your room. However, IF you don’t like the style of the door fronts, it might not be worth the time and money.

I find it fascinating that there are really no NEW colours – just a new cycle. When you’ve been in this business as long as I’ve been, you’ve seen all these colours before and thought they would never come back. Guess what, they do!

We see the colours in a new way because we accessorize them differently and use current materials. The burgundy kitchens that we had in the 80’s look completely different now. The colour might be the same, but the lines, the finishes, the hardware and style of the cabinets are different so the colour looks new and fresh again. Even the flooring and lighting is not what it used to be. All these things combined are what makes the room look updated. It’s not just the colour.

The Power Of Colour

Our lives are always evolving so naturally want change. Right now, with all the turmoil, we are forced to stay in our homes during COVID more so the colour green is very popular since it is a nurturing colour. Green is the color of balance, harmony and growth and it helps to ground us. This green kitchen is fresh and modern and certainly doesn’t look like the green kitchens in the past.

stunning green kitchen cabinets for 2021 trends

Every colour makes us ‘feel’ different emotions so it’s important to know what colour(s) you feel best in. There is no right or wrong answer 🙂

Here is a link from Home Hardware with the 5 top new paint colours for your kitchen cabinets. Do you have a favourite colour here?

Five Kitchen Colours for 2021

What colour are you drawn to? I would love your feedback.

IF you have questions on your home decor, please contact me and I would love to answer your questions.

Love Your Home

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