Reply To: Family Room Stripdown started – and kitchen backsplash continues

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    Heather Maduk

    January 24, 2020 at 7:27 am

    Wow, you are a busy lady. As I said it before, i love your enthusiasm. it’s always best to clear out a room so you’re starting with a clear canvas and then you can put back what you want piece by piece.  I’m happy to see the valances and shears gone as well.  They worked with your chair, but now that you are considering the chair being replaced, there is no need for them.  

    Now that you have removed the shears, how do you like the look of the TV in front of the window?  Do you really need the chair since you already have a love seat and sofa? Would you consider removing the chair and putting the TV in the corner instead?  It might be worth trying to live with it like that for a few days before you make any rash decision. Living with a change can be a little unsettling at first.  That is why i suggest it for a few days. Let me know what you think of this idea. You could always put a big pouf under the window for more seating when the kids come home.

    I agree that the colour could be updated. Yes, the Revere Pewter would work since it would tie in with the fireplace.  However, first, look to see if one of the other soft shades from the front of the house would work.  There is a much better flow to the house when there are fewer colours. Even though the colours are the same, they will look different in each room.  It won’t be boring.

    Since you are looking at revamping the adjoining kitchen, i strongly suggest that you start there.  It’s much easier to pull the paint colour based on counter tops, backslashes, and your kitchen floor that also work with your fireplace. Personally, i think the family room and kitchen should be painted the same colour as the hallway.  

    Paint is always done last!!!!!!  There are thousands of paint colours, but only a few counter tops that you’ll love.

    Thanks for the updates and questions.  Keep them coming.
