Throw Back Thursday – Shopping Tips

I love looking back at some of my old Staging photos since there are so many lessons in each and every one.

It Needs To Be Multi-purpose

Are you guilty of impulse shopping? Do you see something and just feel compelled to buy it and then when you get home you have buyers remorse or it’s just ‘not quite right’? You are definitely not alone. And hey, sometimes those magical impulse buys are the items that you cherish the most. Just don’t make a habit of it 🙂

Whenever you buy a piece of furniture or accessory for your home, always consider how many unique ways you can use it. For example:

  • Sofa – is it neutral enough that you can make it look completely different just by switching out the accent cushions?
  • Artwork – Are there enough colours in it that you can highlight by changing the accessories for a variety?
  • Accessories – can they be used in multiple rooms in alternate settings?

If you can reuse or switch things up, you KNOW it’s a good purchase and you will get your money out of it.

Headboard Example

When I bought this headboard for Stagings, I knew I would be able to use it in many homes even though it was a fairly specific colour.

You can see that this headboard looks completely different just by emphasising the decor (i.e. bedding, artwork, drapes, accent cushions, lamps, wall colourand area rugs). This was definitely a good investment in my inventory when I bought it.

It’s always nice to have that little bit of extra confidence when you buy something so you know you’re making a great purchase. Enjoy shopping and enjoy your home!

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